TAPIMaster® 3.2.0 User's Guide


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You can find the options for the ACD Light module in the control panel  of TAPIMaster®. You only need to make a couple of settings to activate it.




Routing of incoming calls

Activate the option „Routing via telephone with extension:“. Enter the extension of the telephone which is to perform the call forwarding. The telephone must be capable of call redirect (call deflection).



Calls cannot be distributed when all personnel are busy. The calls will then be forwarded to the destination of last resort. That may be an answering machine, call group or secretary.



General routing rules

Minimum delay between two calls

The service personnel are granted a minimum time delay between two calls so that they have time to finish processing the last call without interruption.



Connect to person last contacted if possible

Should a caller call several times on the same day, this option states that the caller should if possible be connected to the team member with whom he last spoke on that day, provided the employee is free and logged on. This option is recommended when calls are not arriving continuously, so that the team member in question likely to be free. The caller information is saved for one day.



Prefer last person contacted to database rules

This option states that a caller should if possible be connected to the last person he spoke to, even if a different employee is normally responsible for the caller.



Complementary routing rule

The following approaches allow a fairer distribution of workload:

Shortest total time. The call is routed to the employee with the lowest total call time (external calls incoming and outgoing). Recommended when the telephone calls last a long time, return calls to customers are necessary and the calls play a large role in the added value provided by the company.

Shortest time incoming. The call is routed to the employee with the shortest total call time for incoming external calls.

Fewest calls. Incoming and outgoing external calls are taken into account. This option makes sense when employees are paid on a per call basis and the employee can influence the call time.

Fewest incoming calls. Only incoming external calls are taken into account.

The employee who has gone the longest without an external call is preferred.



Routing rules from database

You may set up routing rules in a database for each calling number or number block. In this way you can ensure that a certain caller is connected to the appropriate employee when possible: calls from the most important customers can be routed to the most knowledgeable team members or calls from particular geographical regions or countries can be put through to employees who can speak the language of that region. To do this, set up a rule table in your database with at least two columns: one for the calling number in canonical format, the other for the TAPIMaster® log-on names in the order of preference to receive the call. Each name should be terminated by a semi-colon. The log-on names are specified in the network settings the client. Set up an entry “unknown” for calls for which the network does not signal the caller number.

Here is an example from the TAPIMaster® SDK:




After you have created the table, click on “Database settings”. Specify there the data source, stating the table and the columns used. You can create standard tables if needed.




An SQL command is generated which you can edit by hand afterwards if necessary.




You can design the query for your needs. The SQL dialect and the query method may vary between databases. The database query is now activated.




Saving ACD data

The login data and call data can be saved into databases.


ACD Logfiles


Log file with the credentials of the agents. Format:


Year-Millisecond: UTC data.

UserName: login name.

Ready: 0 or 1, depending on whether the client logs on or off.

GroupName: In Server stored group of agents.

Address: Internal Extension of the agent or called address.



Log file with the call data of the agents. Format:


Year-Millisecond: UTC data.

Partner: Number of the caller, can be empty.

Address: Calles address of the agent phone.

MSN: called MSN.

CallID: Unique call identifier.

Other values​​: betimmt only for internal processing.



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