TAPIMaster® 3.2.0 User's Guide


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Server shuts down again immediately after starting

If the server is installed but the extensions have not yet been configured, the server shuts down of its own accord shortly after starting. Specify the extensions in the CTI software’s control panel .


Server takes a long time to start up

At server start-up, all TAPI lines are opened. This may take several minutes if the switch is large. So it is not a defect if the server needs a while after start-up before it can do anything.


Server cannot be restarted after shut down

Closing the TAPI lines may also take a long time, just as opening them can. Problems may occur ff the server is running as a service and you restart it while it is still in the process of shutting down. When you shut the server down, it is advisable to wait a minute before asking it to restart.


Processor usage is too high on the server

The CTI software was designed to run quickly and efficiently and with little computing power. If for large installations the processor capacity is insufficient, proceed as follows:

Check whether other processes are running on the server machine which make intensive use of the processor. To check this, use the Processes page of the Task Manager. Sort the processes according to CPU time. This will show which programs have been using the most CPU time over a long time interval. If possible, move these programs to a different machine. As a rule of thumb, Pentium III machines require one Megahertz for each client, providing that no CPU-intensive programs are running on the server. If the CPU capacity is spread over several processors, you should allow an extra 20% - so, Dual Pentium III with 600 MHz per processor could serve 1000 clients.

Please look more closely at the programs in the process list. You will find two processes there called „SVCHOST.EXE". How does their processing time look? If one of these processes requires lots of processor capacity, this usually means that the TAPI driver itself is taking up the CPU. This is a problem which the CTI software can do nothing about. In addition, other processes associated with the TAPI driver may be active. If so, take a note of the file name and search for this file on the hard drive. In the file’s properties (accessible for example from the “Properties” item of the file’s context menu in Explorer) you can see which manufacturer the file is from and so determine whether the process is due to your switch.

Open the CTI software control panel . On the second side you will find the allocation of telephone number to line names. Shut the server down so you have access to this list. Delete the extensions of those participants who do not have a telephone or who do not use CTI – such as telephones in the warehouse or telephones on the production line without a computer.

The feature requiring the most CPU time is the signalling of call states between group members. The worst case is when all users are in the same group. So, use the groups as sparingly as possible. Not ever user needs to be in a group. Groups are required when permissions for certain functions (such as call pick-up) needs to be restricted to members of the same group. It is absolutely normal for only 250 of 1000 clients to be in any group at all, and these 250 users will generally be members of the service team.


Caller identification fails

The commonest cause of failure in caller identification is missing or incorrect entries for the filter numbers in the control console. Start the Line Watcher and get an external phone to call you. Check if a leading zero is present in the caller’s number as signalled. If a zero is present, enter a zero as filter number in the control console. If no leading zero is signalled, no filter number should be configured.

If you reinstall the TAPI driver, it is necessary to update the switch settings. Otherwise the program will not be able to find certain settings such as outside line and other prefixes.





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