TAPIMaster® 3.2.0 User's Guide

Changing the outside line prefix

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The outside line prefix and the internal prefix are set by the administrator for the whole switch. The normal user will not have to configure anything. If, however, you use a non-standard outside line prefix or internal prefix, you will have to make a few alterations. Click on the client’s connection icon with the right hand mouse button. Choose "Network connection" from the context menu. The network settings dialog will open, where all necessary connection settings can be made.





Non-standard outside line prefix

Supply a non-standard prefix if necessary. If an outside line prefix has been configured on the TAPIMaster® server for all users and you are the only one with an automatic outside line, then leave this field empty.


Non-standard internal prefix

If the switch provides an outside line automatically, a prefix is often required for internal calls. If your internal prefix is different from the central settings you can configure a different prefix. If your phone, unlike the others, does not require an internal prefix then leave the field empty.





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