TAPIMaster® 3.2.0 User's Guide


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For experts

The diagnostic functions are only present in the licensed version. They can help you test the long-term stability of CTI systems. To do this the program performs various telephony actions over a long period of time. You can choose the rate and the actions yourself.

Do not start the test while the system is in active use! Only start the test if you know your switch inside out. The test will sometimes make a restart of the switch or server necessary if the switch or TAPI driver driver fails.

The test is only worthwhile if the telephones can run in hands-free mode – which means you are using telephones belonging to the switch or with supported ISDN telephones. The telephones must be capable of answering calls. Delayed opening of lines for economic use of licences must not be activated.



Test process

First enter the destination numbers in the list. They may be external numbers but you will of course then have to pay for these calls. If you start with an internal number it is possible to have the list automatically generated.

Define the extent of the actions you wish to test. Start with “Call” and add more functions with each new test.

Start the CTI server.

Start testing with an interval of 10000 milliseconds and then gradually increase the rate.


Extent of tests


The numbers in the list are chosen randomly and called.


Answer call

The program answers a call when it is the first call on the line.



Puts an active call on hold. Only the first call on the line is put on hold.



A call is transferred without first being answered. The target number is a randomly chosen test number.


Blind Transfer

An active call is transferred without notification.



Two calls, one of which is active, are connected together.


Drop when Disconnected

For a small number drivers (e.g. ESP from Microsoft) this option needs to be set. Activate this option if calls get stuck in Disconnected state.





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