CTI programming tools

Setup Configurator

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You will generally need to install the CTI software before installing your own software for a customer. A manual installation methodology acceptable for a server may not be acceptable for hundreds of clients. The Setup Configurator provides a way to produce automated install images for server and client, which can then be integrated into the main install image.


You an find the settings for client and server on the "Basics“ page. First choose the configuration file from the setup directory.

The same port number can be used for client and server.

Upon starting set-up, a wizard usually appears to guide you through the installation. This is not helpful for an integrated client set-up. Select “Automated set-up” to perform installation in one go. You may then generate an install image for client or server or generate a deinstallation. Alternatively, you may start SETUP.EXE with the parameter –D (deinstallation), -S (server) or –C (client) to force an automated installation. For the client, an extension can be supplied too: SETUP.EXE -C 251 installs a client with extension 251.

Τhe maximum length of internal extensions can be 2, 3 or 4.

The local area code is signalled without the leading zero.




Used files

Client install image

Server install image


See also





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