CTI Client sample programs

SQL sample

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The SQL Demo is a C++ program based on MFC, Visual C++ 7.0. It is located in folder CPlusPlus\SQLDemo of the CTI SDK. The example allows you to try out some SQL commands. The example just illustrates database access and does not contain any telephony functionality. A database must be connected via ODBC from the server control panel. The client should be installed and operational on the machine.



Please familiarise yourself first with the SQL interface's commands and events. Then start the program. Enter the database password and press SQL_Login. If the password was correct or not necessary, “Login successful” will appear in the output field underneath.

The remaining commands are now available for use. The query has already been set up for "SELECT * FROM members" and 1 data record. It is intended for use with database "CLUB.MDB" in the "database" directory of the developer kit. You will need to adjust the query to work with other databases. When the command has been sent, you will get a request ID back, which is used to sequentially number the queries. You may query more records using this ID by pressing SQL-Next. SQL_End ends the query before all records have been read. After a few minutes, unused queries are terminated automatically.




See also

Sample programs | SQL


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